Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015 - For the Last Time

Well, this is it. It shall be short, but it comes from my heart. 

I loved conference. I will tell you all about it on Wednesday! As for my week, I had to stay inside most the time for my companion who his toe was still healing, but I learned a lot and it wasn't bad at all. 

Now for the big part. I first would like to say thank you for all your love and support. You see, the mission has not been easy. I've been robbed, made fun of, had doors slammed in my face, people reject me, crazy people follow me, I've almost been ran over about 1000 times or more, and I face every day trials, but you guys helped me push through it. So I thank you deeply for all that you have done, and for all of you that took the time to write me every week. I truly have come to realize that this is the true church here on the earth. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to a young boy, Joseph Smith, and restored Christ's true church on the earth. I know that what that small, uneducated boy did was by the work of God, and not his own. I have seen miracles on my mission. Daily miracles that some would leave unnoticed. But I know that Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, has been guiding His church, and guided this work since the first day I got here, and long before that. I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity to come to the Dominican Republic and teach so many amazing people about the truth that Jesus Christ is our Savior and has restored His church here on the earth today. I love this gospel. I love the Book of Mormon. I have read it many times, yet each time, I am learning new doctrine and finding a deeper love for my Savior. But most of all, I know that God lives, and I know His Son, Jesus Christ, sacrificed everything that He had, even His own flesh and bone, for me, and He suffered a pain unbearable and undescribable by man, so that I can one day live with my wonderful family in God's presence once again. Is that not true love??? I can't deny His love for me. I feel it every time the Holy Ghost whispers to me. And I will never deny that I have received through personal revelation these truths in my life. My hope is that everyone one day will come to this same knowledge of this church, to have this beautiful peace and joy that I have in my life now. I am so grateful I came on the mission, to grow and to learn, and to become who Heavenly Father wanted me to be. I have a long ways to go, but I know I am heading down the right path. 

I close with a poem I wrote:

The days seemed to pass like hours
The nights, praying with all my power

These two years I gave it my all
That very moment I accepted the call.

I've learned a lot, I have felt great love,
From friends, family and my Father above.

"It's two years, its not too long"
But for me, its a calling I wont let go of.

See, I take off the nametag, but then it starts again
Helping others get rid of spiritual pain.

The only true church I have ever known
Was the one that has Moroni at the top of a stone.

The only true church in my sight
Has to be the Church of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

To put it simply, my mission hasn't ended
Its only the beginning of my second.

For the last time, with all my love,
Elder Weiss :)

Mother's Note:  Elder Weiss added a little more information about his week in my personal email so I will share what he said. I also told him our time is limited from the airport to getting to the Stake President to be released and not to be one of those Elder's that wait super long to be last coming down the escalator...and besides, All the missionaries do that so it's no surprise.  Here is what he replied...
Good thing I could get on email today. ;) I am really nervous and excited for Wednesday! Nervous for the change that will be made, but excited to see you again! I just can't believe it has come so fast. Hahaha don't worry mom, I will be the one running down the escalator out of joy! hahaha Well not really, that would be weird, but I will come as quickly as I can. I am still  inpatient like before.... :) hahaha

This week I only got to leave once, but in that time I was able to study a lot, prepare for my return, and I got to know my companion a lot more. And ya, although he is difficult at times, I really do love the kid. He is great. Sure he is difficult, but I couldn't imagine having anyone else to finish the mission with. You see? The Lord really does work in mysterious ways. I got to say goodbye to a couple of people, and I will be doing more goodbye's tonight, so I wont stay on for a long time, but that's okay,Wednesday is around the corner. :)

He finished with a very sweet letter to me that is personal but what every mother loves to hear!

This will be our last entry to this blog. I wanted to also thank everyone for their love and support during Elder Weiss' mission. He has grown in many ways and that is due to all of you as well.  May we always stay connected, our family and friends that we dearly love. God Bless You!