Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015 - Am I really 20?

Thank you so much to everyone for all the birthday wishes!!! I truly appreciate them!

This week has been super crazy!!!

On Tuesday, my companion got to go to the east mission with the President, so I went on an exchange with Elder Nielsen, who was my first companion in the CCM. Wow, what a difference there is in how we were then, to now! We both speak Spanish, but I feel like we are more mature and just.... different spiritually. It was a really fun day with him.

On Wednesday we worked a normal day, but it was difficult. No one was home, and we spent a lot of time contacting. I did climb a tree though, so success on that one.

On Thursday we received a miracle. We were called by our office elders and they told us to get ready to move!!! So guess what, WE MOVED!!! We left our horrible house, and got everything into the new one! It took all day! From 8 in the morning until 1 in the morning. It was a big day. But it was like going from outer darkness into the celestial kingdom. We all are super happy. The new apartment, and when I say new I mean new... we are the first ones to live in it, are super clean and have HOT WATER. Am I in the states??? Only downside is that there are tons of bugs... TONS OF MOSQUITOES. And there are really big red ants that hurt like crazy when they bite. Thank goodness from Mosquito nets. :) And cockroaches, like always, are huge and nasty in this country. So ya. But I will send some pictures of that awesome new house.

Next big day was Sunday. My birthday!!!! It was a really good day! The members shared a lot of love with me and I felt awesome! I least this year I didn't have the chikonguya on my birthday! hahaha I can't believe I am twenty!!!! And wow..... time is just flying by! Cool story, after leaving a meeting in the afternoon, we met a man, who showed up to the church, named Julio. He was in need of someone, and began talking to us. We sat listening to him in the church parking lot for about and hour, and we shared that we are not alone, and that God loves all of us. He was struggling to understand that God always has a plan for all of us. Sadly, he doesn't live in our area, but we sent his directions to the missionaries in his area so he can continue to listen. Very sad man, I felt like there was so much this message could help him with, so he left happier. We joked around with him a bit to cheer up his spirits, and he left. I had to give him a hug though. Very nice man. I hope he gets help. :)

Today we played basketball at a church in a different area, and it has the court INSIDE the building! The only one in our mission like that!!! HOLY COW, I swear I am in the states sometimes. hahaha

Anyways, this week we weren't able to work a lot, with the whole moving situation. We are still waiting on a couple of things, like mirrors and they are putting in curtains in our house, but ya. It was an amazing week, and I am grateful that I was here to spend another birthday with the Dominican people. :) May God bless you all. I love you all!!! :)

Con amor,
Elder Weiss :)

Mother's Note:  I asked if  Jhonathon or Yesenia had their marriage license yet and they're still waiting.

Parker watched all the videos we made of everyone wishing him a Happy Birthday.  He said this about it...
I saw all the videos! I loved them! Everyone is so different, yet so the same! haha :)

 And even got to go on Facebook for a minute to read what people posted there for his birthday. I know it meant a lot to him and he said he got a lot of emails with Birthday Wishes as well. (Thank you all for doing that!)
Here is what he told me he did on Sunday for his Birthday...

My day yesterday was just like any other missionary day. Lots of meetings... being Sunday..... that was a downer. But a couple members did little things for me, like made me natural smoothies, or gave me a tiny bit of cake that they had saved in the fridge... haha but it is the thought that counts. Even though those things happen any other day, I was very thankful for that. Oh, Manuel, the kid who always leaves to work with us bought me a tie and gave it to me. That was really nice of him! So ya. That was my day. Oh, actually, at lunchtime we ate with a member, and she let us watch this movie called Home. Some Disney movie, but I really liked it a lot!!!! We'll have to watch it again of course when it isn't in Spanish, but hey, that was cool. And my President called me and him and his wife sang for me a birthday song. SO I WASN'T FORGOTTEN. So ya, that was my celebration! :) I am 20!!!!

Picture time!

"I'm on a tricycle!"

"Climbing a tree"

New House! Hanging up the Drapery Rods...just need drapes now.

Parker's bed is the white net on the right. Parker always chooses the right. (mom joke haha)

Parker's home made weights. The cans are filled with cement. 

Look at that beautiful Hot water heater!

"The Sandwich is my Birthday sandwich!"

"It was really good!"

A tall guy-Parker didn't tell us who he is.

"Playing basketball at the church with the indoor court."