So lets just say life here is great! I've got some stories for you though!!!!!
It was a cruel awakening hitting the field. The CCM is nothing like the field at all! Crazy crazy stuff happens! I'll start with the plus side. On the plus side, I have a way cool ward! Super awesome people and they are always begging me to come eat at their house, which is awesome. Also, on Saturday, and this will sound crazy, but I had my first baptism!!!! A nine year old kid named Jason, who is a convert! Crazy story. We couldn't fill up the baptisimal font because there was no water, so the fire department came and they filled it up for us. Anyways, we baptized him and are later planning on baptising the rest of the family! They all want to be! :) So thats awesome!
And my companion, he is just the boss!!!! What a cool guy. His name is Elder Zilm and he has 16 months, he knows the language extremely well, which is good considering I feel like I know nothing! haha and the other people in our house are way cool! They only speak Spanish though, which is also helping me learn a lot! I also got to give a priesthood blessing to one of our new investigators in Spanish last night. That was kinda crazy! But it was a good learning experience! :)
yet, but man it is always hot! And there is no air conditioning anywhere!! I got used to that though so no biggie. :) When we walk around people yell at us and tell us to go home, but that doesn't get me down at all! :) And I never eat like ever. I always work out in the morning and stuff, but we never have time to walk 20 minutes to get food. But I'll be fine. We are stalked up on rice.
Anyways that is life so far! Been doing a ton of tracting and contacting and proselyting. Hopefully we'll be getting some new investigators soon! I love you and I've been praying for you! This work is amazing and I am so grateful that I can be a part of it. Love you!!
Elder Weiss