Elder Hope and Elder Weiss |
Wednesday - We taught Nicauri and found out that she and Michael are having problems, and it sounds like she might be leaving and going back to her home in Azua. There she will be able to receive her baptism, but sadly Elder Hope and I will not be the ones to do it. We told her to pray about it and she says she´s been praying real hard and is waiting for a for sure answer. Oh we also found out she is only 18 and has a kid that is due NEXT MONTH. Ya that was a shocker. hahah After that we tried to go to the Familia Lara, but no one was there at the house, so we went contacting for about 2 hours!!!
Saturday - In the morning we went and taught Ernasto and gave him a Book of Mormon. He told us he would read it and ponder and all that good stuff, which felt real good. We went to our Ward Mission Leaders house this day and had lunch and then started a special fast with him for our investigators and the ward. That was good. Then we left to Palave and walked one hour to find out no one was there!!!! So we walked home and went to Morena´s again and taught them a little lesson.
Sunday - Well we had no investigators at church, so after church we ate at a members house then went to Familia Lara´s, the Utah family. Again, the Dad wasn't there like on Wednesday, but the daughter was, so we taught her and gave her a Book of Mormon for her and for her dad. We then went around and visited with investigators. Tried to teach Ernasto but he wasn't there.
Monday - Went shopping, cleaned the house, now I am here! That is all for this week! Good tough, but rewarding week!!!