Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015 - Hello

With so much time coming up with subject lines every week, you just begin to give up. But the work is going GREAT!

This week has been great! I was able to finish the Book of Mormon this week for the fourth time in my mission, and decided to do a fast about it. Later, I was reading back on the conference talks of this April and wow, God really does respond to what we are looking for. He is indeed our Father in heaven who loves us and He is answering any question that we are willing to ask with faith. :) So ya, big testimony builder this week about the Book of Mormon. There is no doubt that this book is true words directly from God to the inhabitants of the Americas! :)

So our main focus this week has been Jhonathan and Yesenia. Lets just say that after a lot of....we'll say patience.... and a little bit of "urging"..... they were finally able to pull out all the Birth Certificates that they need to be married! So that is finally behind us! Now, Yesenia should have gone this morning to go pay for the marriage and to set up the date for the actual day of marriage, so later we will be passing by to see when that day is. So, after a long wait, there will be a marriage this week! And there will be a happy couple! hahah :) Ahhhh, it just keeps my faith in the Lord. He's been working with us the whole time, and I just didn't acknowledge it. Good thing there is a repentance process for everything, am I right? :)

Well, June is coming to an end... that was fast.... and now starts July!! Too bad no one celebrates the 4th or the 24th here.... the next holiday here is Christmas. BORING! Nothing from than until now. Lame. haha

So this week we have been contacting a lot, because we felt like there was a need to expand our investigator pool. We met some girls that live together that were pretty receptive to our message. One of them, however, randomly brought up the number of the beast and asked our opinion on that, and from there, the lesson went downhill... but they still invited us back, so the spirit must have touched them somehow. Which is fine by me. :)

You wouldn't believe how much we walk in this area, it is like training for a marathon... but a marathon of preaching gospel principles. We even had a guy chanting and rooting us on in the street!!! or maybe he was just screaming at us to give him 5 pesos so he could go buy a cigarette..... either way, it still gives me an energy boost to keep walking fast, especially when the crazy guy is on your heels. Haha :)

Well, that is all this week. My mind hits a blank on what happened the rest of the week. All I know is that it was GREAT!!!! :)


Elder Weiss

Also, Parker said he's been feeling much better this week and still spoke on being on a Spiritual high from finishing and fasting over the BOM.   We discussed some of our favorite scriptures we've read this week. And we compared how hot it's been between Utah and the DR.  DR wins with 100% humidity that makes you wet just walking outside. :)
"I could be a model."

"The kids of Jhonathan and Yesenia wanted to
 take pictures with me. :)"
They are adorable!

"Pretty area in our area! :)"

"We installed a cool light bulb in our house
 that is like a party machine, so naturally
 I pulled off some classic dance moves..."

"... like "Gentleman by Psy" and all that."

"And me, with the Book of Mormon I just finished...
I made a case for it, for that it looks different. :)"

Disco light bulb-Parker said he wants to bring this home with him. :)